Here are my latest projects, my families of Herefords.
The single cow and calf portrait is in its early stages, while the triptych of cow, calf and bull needs finishing touches.
I am watching to see them all come to life. We used to raise cattle - I am very fond of them. I miss seeing the calves racing across the field in spring with their tails in the air, kicking their feet up in the new grass, exhilirated by the oh, so sweet air.
So, now ... "what is this!?"
It's a mystery! I can't tell.
Please visit this page often during the next few months.
I will be sharing its progress with you.
Let me know what you think.
Finished "Mission San Buenaventura" now out on "What's New" page.
I truly loved working on this.
As a young girl, I would ride the city bus "downtown" to the mission. I would wander through dreaming of my Spanish ancestors, by the name of Ruiz, from this and the Santa Barbara area.
Before I was born, my grandmother owned a dress shop on Main St. Growing up, my father owned 3 piano/organ stores on Main St. In the late 1960's-'70's he owned a lounge, Mel's 577 Club, a hot spot in town where for several years my brother Mel and his band, "American Welding Co." brought in a big crowd. I even took piano lessons from Miss Mabel Rice on Main St. (in the same location my mother learned to play in the 1930's). Many, many memories in Ventura, CA.
Thought I'd share a bit of my work in progress. This particular piece is very dear to me... San Buenaventura, where I was raised. It should be finished shortly and will debut in the "What's New?" section.